*** Last Updated January 22nd, 2000 ***
U2 is one of my most favorite rock groups. I love their music -- old and new! So, naturaly, I decided to make a site in comemoration of their uniqueness and artisticness.. is that a word?? :)
Well now. I've just started renovations. Hopefully they will be to your liking! I hope you enjoy your visit! If you have any comments or questions or anything at all you can always email me or let me know in my guestbook! Hope you come back!
Please, Please, pleaaase sign my guestbook! :) I love knowing who came in for a visit!
***** All pictures in this site are the property of their respective owners. If you see something in this site which you believe should be credited or removed, please contact me. *****
people have visited this site since December 1rst, 1999