Words by Adam
Here is a collection of things Adam has been recorded saying :) I hope you enjoy them -- I certainly did! These only succeded in proving my theory that Adam is one cool guy!
"Our commitment was to a better way. We could have our own gang and not put up with the rest of the world." (1987)
"Rock and Roll is a term that's been heavily abused. It's not something you can buy in a record shop. It's an attitude."
"I don't really like hanging out with musicians. Talking about Peavey amps is not my thing."
"Oh fuck it.. I dunno." (Rattle and Hum)
"Men should not be forced to wear pants when it's not cold."
"Larry's always been noticed 'cause he's the pretty."
"You have to get the walk right. If you get the walk right you're half way there." (on being a rock star)
"At least you're not the one she called 'ugly in a handsome way'." (to Larry about an article in Vogue (Propaganda #22)
There are people who would say you shouldn't mix music and politics, or sports and politics or whatever. It think thats kinda bullshit." (Rattle and Hum)
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