Words by Bono
Here is a collection of things Bono has been caught saying :) I hope you enjoy them!
"It's an amazing feeling to be able to do what you want, when you want. And that is, you don't have to kiss ass, you know the feeling? There's a lot of people out there that have to kiss ass everyday, every week - just to make, you know, a buck. Just to... and I don't. I have to kiss Edge's ass occasionally, maybe Larry, but you know..."
"Having gone through the trouble of selling out, you'd expect to at least knock Michael Jackson off the top."
"I told somebody I thought it was a dense record and word got around that we were making a dance record."
"We might lose some of the pop kids, but we don't need them."
"There are four members of U2. If there is a fifth, non-musical member it is Paul McGuiness. Either that or Adam's willie!"
[to adam who looks at bono in an amused/not really caring way] "Watch for the 3rd verse......not the 1st verse or the 1st chorus not the second verse - [Adam cuts in now "the 3rd verse"] - but the 3rd verse!"
"I had the loudest mouth. When we formed the group, I was the lead guitar player, singer and songwriter. Nobody talked back at first. But then they talked me out of being lead guitar player and into being the rythm guitar player and into just being the singer. And then they tried to talk me out of being the singer and into being the manager. But I held on to that. Arrogance may have been the reason."
"What a city! What a night! What a crowd! What a bomb! What a mistake! What a wanker you have for President!"
"I have a weakness for belly dancers; they make me wriggle."
I can't quite remember whose idea it was. All I know is that Larry looked like some sort of porn star, Edge looked like his sister Jill, Adam hasn't taken the dress off, and I looked like Barbara Bush."
"Organized religion is in demise, and I personaly won't miss it. I don't think religion has anything to do with god any more or very rarely has."
I don't know if I'm this or that. But why can't I be all of them?"
"We've made a career out of our personality crises, well, certainly I have."
"We still have the same ideals, we've just learned to look like we don't."
"The only place that it's important never to lie as a performer is to your makeup artist."
"It's the job of rock'n'roll stars to set fire to themselves, and to, you know, sell flagellation, get up on a cross if they can, but definetly to die at 33."
"Making records is like making sausages, you'll probably enjoy them more if you don't see how they're done."
"There's 2 kinds of U2 fans - there's the ones that want us to get to number one because they just like the idea of us winning out there. Then there's the others who actually get dissapointed when we get to number one because their little brother gets into it."
"I never knew I was Irish until I went to America."
"John Lennon changed my way of seeing things."
"You only get disillusioned if you had illusions to begin with."
"That's all we can do - bring the facts [about Sellafield] out. We're a rock & roll band! It's kind of absurd we have to dress up like complete wankers to make this point."
"The strangest thing has happened. I really missed my dog. That's never happened to me before. You know, on a long tour you do hear people saying they miss their pets. I never have. But last night I started really missing my dog. It's very odd, cos I don't have a dog."
I don't smoke. Well, I don't inhale."
"I've got a book....I've written poems but I don't know if I'll publish them. If I do I'll call it 'FUCK OFF!! Volume 1'. I get annoyed when people expect me to be a great all-arounder. "
"I think that Edge is the head of the band, I'm the heart, and Adam and Larry are the feet."
"Rock and Roll is ridiculous. I mean it's four jerks and a police escort"
"I'm spoilt rotten and I'm paid too much for what I do"
"I've taken my bastard lessons, I'm getting it right - I might actually turn out to be cool"
"And let me tell you something....I've had enough of Irish Americans who haven't been back to their country in 20 or 30 years talking about the resistance and the revolution, and the glory of the revolution, and the glory of dying for the revolution. FUCK THE REVOLUTION. They don't talk about the glory of killing for the revolution. Where's the glory in that?"
"I'll tell you what. I might be a cool guy but I'm not that cool."
"They [U2's parents] weren't always supportive. Like Edges mother, Mrs. Edge we call her, had a little Volkswagen and she was a really cool lady and she would like put all the gear and all the band in the Volkswagen she'd like pick us up at 4am in the morning to take us home and she was out there so that worked. But my old man, when I came home at night, would be waiting at the top of the stairs with a machine gun, several knives, you know it was just target practice."
"I must say, I don't feel very qualified to be a pop star. I don't think I'm a very good pop star and I feel awkward at times in the role. I think there are other people far better suited than me. I sometimes think it might have been a mistake -you picked the wrong guy! Look, I'm built more like a mechanic or something, a carpenter. I mean, take a look at these hands- these are the hands of a bricklayer."
"The thing with the guitar is it has six strings and I only have five fingers"
"Well on the last night [of filming the colour part of Rattle and Hum] we had this choice. We could either play for the cameras or we could play for the people who paid for the tickets and lined up to get into the concert. And on the last night we decided….to play for the cameras. [smiles] I jest."
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